Thanks for your interest for my web design/blog makeover service.
Bagi sesiapa yang tak tahu, aku ni macam dah a few years gak la jadi freelance web and graphic designer ni. My small freelance business is called CreativelyBeba. Alhamdulillah, dapatlah tambah duit poket sikit..hehehe..
From a hobby of mine, yang dok asik tukar template blog sendiri je sampai ntah berapa kali ntah setahun, makanya bermula la CreativelyBeba. 😀
Below are the services that CreativelyBeba have to offer:
Kalau any of you interested in any of the service, silalah contact saya ye.. 😀 you can reach me by email at [email protected] or contact me using the form at my portfolio website, here.
You guys can browse my previous designs at my portfolio website.
I’m looking forward for your emails.. Thanks 😀
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