Perhatian: Website ni dah lama gak tak berfungsi..owner dier busy ngan benda lain yang tak dapat nak commit untuk project ni..tapi aku ade terjumpe lagi satu site yang bagi service yang similar to flyous jugak…korang boleh refer to this post: Website yang boleh listkan Tiket Murah AirAsia [Baru]. Thanks..
hari tu masa dok surfing aku terjumpa this one site.
this site list out the lowest price we can get pada bulan2 yang tertentu. tapi buat masa ni still limited lagi yang boleh di tunjukkan..cuma yang departing from KL and Penang.

list tarikh flight..
dier listkan ikot bulan..bulan February tu makna nya paling murah RM272 la..and dier listkan available flights untuk harga tu..
tapi satu kelemahan yang aku tengok dier cam kena update manual agaknya..sebab kat gambar atas tu korang boleh tengok yang the page was last updated 6 days ago. Harap2 the webmaster update cepat2 sebab semalam aku ada dapat e-mail from airasia pasal their new promotion. KL-KK dapat dalam RM49. Tapi untuk travel bulan SEP-FEB2011 la plak..huu..kalau ada tiket bulan Jan bule gak kot beli…huu..skang ni kitorang still tengok carik2 tiket bulan 5..tapi mmg mahal gile skang..RM130++ kalau tak silap.
Tapi ok gak laa..hehee.. 😀
owh..korang boleh check flight murah airasia korang kat :
Incoming search terms:
- tambang murah air asia (1060)
- air asia tambang murah (574)
- airasia tambang murah (493)
- tambang murah airasia (440)
- tambang murah (400)
gud info!!
saya pon tengah dok belek telek air asia ni tapi tak tau nak pegi mana… huhuhu
kitorang kalau tengok air asia tengok balik KL jek..hahaha..
ingat nnt nak gak la jalan2 gi penang and johor..dah lama tak pegi..masa kecik2 dlu jek sampai..hahaha..
salam kenal. thanks for the tips…
hehe thanks bibah 🙂 good site indeed! aa aku penah gi penang masa 6 tahun kot..johor last year raya cina.. hmm langkawi masa 15 yrs old.. heheh deng
kalau jumpa yg murah ke boleh gi kk kan 🙂
thanks for the info 😉
klau macam ni mudah utk dpt tickets murah lar!
baguskan..tapi baru jek siang tadi aku cam nak masuk diorang down pulak..sebab airasia dah tukar site flyous pon kena la ikot ape yg as for now down la site diorg sementara ni..huu…
Hi there,
Thanks for having us in your blog. We need to make some changes because of the AirAsia new site. We are working hard to get it up. Although we have not run the full testing that we like, we think it is ready to go live for you guys to check it out during this AA promotion period. Please bear with us if there are some bugs. 🙂
Thanks again.
Flyous Team.
Hi Flyous team,
Thanks for the great site. Keep up the good work..
Just use it today..and there are no bugs whatsoever..
Never been easier to search for air asia tix..
nice info..thx
salam,kawan nak tanya kenapa laman web air asia tunjuk harga berlainan berbanding web flyous??
flyous ni bukan in real-time, kalau tak silap 3 times a day jek diorang kalau takde kat air asia tu maknanya tiket dengan harga tu sold out la tu.. 😀
gitu la lebih kurang..
err sori..ada fb x add~ [email protected].
banyak la nak tanya..
i want a tiket..smebody can help me??
nak tambang murah k kk atau miri pd bln nov @dic
sorry la ye..harap cari sendri di website air asia..saya tak buat service cari tiket murah ni.. :p
memula saya cuma nak share pasal website flyous ni..tapi sejak airasia upgrade diorang punye site last august kot..flyous dah berentikan service skang ni saya pon back to the old ways of searching for cheap airasia tickets ni.. 😀
sorry ek..
boleh tak saya nak tahu,berapa kita kena bayar kalau nak tukar tiket air asia kepada tarikh yg lebih awal?
salam len.
sori la..saya pon tak tau..hehe..len. call air asia punye customer service la kot..
fligt dari kuala lumpur ke kota kinabalu pada bulan jun 2011
Tak boleh guna lagi
@janaluddin saya pon tak tau..hehehe..check la ek.. 😀
@air asia booking mmg tak le guna dah pon..kalau bace kat comments kat atas ni dah byk kali saya cakap.. 😀
kak macam mana kakak cari tiket murh guna cara yg lama tu? boleh tak share? heheh…..sya nak cari tiket cuti semester 1 ni
@aidzriel cara lama? hehee..carik satu2 laa.. :p yang penting tau bile nak jalan…then carik la yang mana murah..camtu jek la..nak buat camne lagi..hehee..cara tradisional..
lagi satu kena beli awal laa..and jangan lupe subscribe newsletter air asia…bile dier keluar jek promo..and dalam range tarikh travel kita tu..time tu la kita ber’ticket’ hunting.. 😀
salam knl saye nak ytnye korang nak cari ticket paling murah cam ne yer………….
Hello there, we stumbled upon your blog and think that there are plenty of other people out there too, who would love to look for the cheapest Air Asia flight tickets out there.
We have been spending some time building a new app to do just that, making discovering and finding the lowest flight fare as easy as possible at
We hope that solves your problem and hope you enjoy using it!
Hi Fleapy~~
I love you’s almost the same as the previous flyous but better organized..and I like the clean and simple interface..:D hope you will cover more flight soon.. 😀
Thank you very much beba! we are glad that you like it.
We recently added more routes flying out of Malaysia (Kuala Terengganu, Kuching, etc..)
Looking forward to more feedback and continue improving the service.
cam mana cara cari tambang murah nak balek sura baya