avatar movie

Avatar Rawks...!!

Woh…baru jek tengok cite AVATAR.. memang besh gile laaa..movie of the year ni…hahahaha..tau la..lambat tengok..hahaah..nak wat camne…baru jek beli DVD nye..kena la tunggu gambar cantek dlu baru beli (nampak sangat beli pirate..hahahaha..:p) kalau tengok kat wayang mesti lagi besh kan?? huu..tak pe la..tunggu Alif da besar sket nanti bole la kasi tinggal memana 2-3 jam…kasi mak pak gi dating..hahaahah.. :p


tapi seriously cerita memang gempak laa…CG dier memang nampak real gile..especially the Na’Vi..and I really think they’re beautiful..hehehe..besh la tengok cerita ni..memang dari awal sampai akhir nya…aku rasa macam takde la sempat nak rasa boring ke ape ke…

Synopsis: In a distant future, humanity discovers the planet ‘Alpha Centauri B-4?, and for those scientists and astronauts who’ve traversed the gulf between neighboring suns and arrived on its alien soil know it as ‘Pandora’. A world filled with an incredible diversity of beautiful and deadly ammonia-breathing lifeforms. Its also a world that harbors treasures and resources almost beyond price. But just as the original Pandora’s Box wrought devastation on those who would use it for their own gain, so too this world may destroy not just the Pandorans home, but ours as well.

Avatar is the story of a wounded ex-marine, thrust unwillingly into an effort to settle and exploit an exotic planet rich in bio-diversity, who eventually crosses over to lead the indigenous race in a battle for survival.

memang sentiasa menarik…cerita ni memang sume pon ada..complete package la orang kata..ada action nya ada romancenya..ada orang jahat yang paling dibenci dan menyampah..orang baiknya memang kita nak sokong selalu..hehehe…ada juga time sedihnya bila orang2 rapat yang tolong Jack ni satu2 fall in battle..huu..and yang penting..ending nya…memang ape yg aku nak..hahaha..aku cam da berharap ending dier cam tu masa the Na’Vi cuba nak selamatkan Grace…and yes..hehehe..besh2..

kesimpulannya cerita Avatar ni memang la tersangat besh bagi aku..sebab aku kan memang suke cerita2 genre fantasy ni..hehehe…. salute to James Cameron..


Avatar Movie

Jack and Neytiri..

hero and heroin cite ni… 😀

avatar movie


p.s: hari ni kitorang balik kampung kat klias..da lama tak balik sana..huu..so kalau ade masa and boleh paw celcom broadband akak anas boleh la online jap..hohhoho…maybe boleh la wat short updates…and kalau ada masa aku nak edit semua gambar2 birthday en. Alif and gambar2 yang kitorang amik kat sane…kay laa..kang lambat lak kang..marah la en. hubby..hohoho.. 😀




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