Baru jek perasan pasal ni la…bukan up-to-date sangat pon.. πŸ˜€ Ape nyer yang menang tu? hohoho..takde pe laa..cuma 2 of my favourite open source; WordPress and Opencart.. πŸ˜€

Info ni aku copy paste jek from:


Open Source CMS

Every Content Management System (CMS) that is based on one of the Open Source licenses were eligible to participate in this category.

We are pleased to announce that CMS Made Simple has won the Open Source CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.


Winner: CMS Made Simple

1st Runner up: SilverStripe

2nd Runner up: MODx

Congratulations to CMS Made Simple and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Tak pernah pakai pon ni..hahaa..stick to my beloved WordPress πŸ˜€


Hall of Fame CMS

This category is reserved for those CMSes that have won the Open Source CMS Award at least once in previous years.

We are pleased to announce that WordPress has won the Hall of Fame CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.*


Winner: WordPress

1st Runner up: Drupal

2nd Runner up: Joomla!


*As a result of a tie between Drupal and WordPress, an extra independent judge Mark King was brought in for a decisive vote.

Congratulations to WordPress and a thank you to Drupal and Joomla! for taking part in the Awards this year.

Comment Puan Beba : Yeay! WordPress memang terbaek! Korang pon kalau nak buat blog pakai la wordpress ek.. πŸ˜€ macam2 bule buat..bukan blog jek..sometimes orang ingat WordPress ni limited untuk buat blog jek..skang ni wordpress orang dah pakai wat company website, portfolio, e-commerce site (simple jek la..), membership site..mcm2 la.. πŸ˜€ tu yang menang no.1 tu kan..hehe.. (bangga cam dier jek yang buat wordpress tu..haha..)


Most Promising Open Source Project

All Open Source projects, that have had its first release date less than two years from 9 August, 2010,Β were eligible to participate in this category.

We are pleased to announce that Pimcore has won the Most Promising Open Source Project category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: Pimcore

1st Runner up: TomatoCMS

2nd Runner up: BuddyPress

Congratulations to Pimcore and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : BuddyPress tu cam pernah nengok ala2 community portal kot..haahha..agaknye laa..malas nak gi tengok..yang len2 tu tak pernah amik tau lagi.. :p


Open Source E-Commerce Applications

This category is reserved for the type of web applications that simplify buying and selling of products on the Internet.

We are pleased to announce that PrestaShop has won the Open Source E-Commerce Applications category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: PrestaShop

1st Runner up: OpenCart

2nd Runner up: Tomato Cart

Congratulations to PrestaShop and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Tahun depan kompon OpenCart menang no.1! hohoho..tengah tunggu diorang release OpenCart 1.5 plak ni..tengok ape improvementnye.. πŸ˜€


Open Source Graphics Software

This category, as the name suggests, is for all Graphic Application Software that is used for graphic design, multimedia development, specialized image development, general image editing, or simply to access graphic files.

We are pleased to announce that Blender has won the Open Source Graphics Software category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: Blender

1st Runner up: GIMP

2nd Runner up: Inkscape

Congratulations to Blender and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Part ni aku tak berapa reti beno..sebab aku tak gune..gune photoshop jek..korang pernah try ke blender tu..aku selalu nampak blogger2 pakai GIMP and Inkscape..jarang yang mentioned Blender..maybe korang bule try..mana tau kot best..hehee.. πŸ˜€


Open Source JavaScript Libraries

This category is reserved for JavaScript libraries, libraries of pre-written JavaScript controls which allow for easier development of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications), visually enhanced applications or smoother server-side JavaScript functionalities.

We are pleased to announce that jQuery has won the Open Source JavaScript Libraries category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: jQuery

1st Runner up: Mootools and RaphaΓ«l

Congratulations to jQuery and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : aku tak reti coding jQuery ni..nak belajar malas..hahaa..bule ke.. :p hehe..tapi memang jQuery ni lagi memana pon ade orang juga..aku pon gune..tapi orang lain codekan..hahaa..kat plugin2 wordpress banyak yang pakai jQuery ni..

opensourceCMSItu jek la pesanan penaja hari ni..hehehe..kalau sape2 nak migrate ke wordpress and tak berapa nak reti nak install or nak setup or nakkan custom made template silalah contact aku ek.. πŸ˜€ I’ll do it for you..tapi tak free la ek..hehehe..saya ialah suri rumah yang nak carik duit poket.. :p