Make your own Alif Ba Ta Flashcard Tutorial (with Free Printable)
Hi and assalamualaikum,
Dah lama actually nak post pasal tutorial on making your own Alif Ba Ta flashcard ni. Before this ada dah aku buat post pasal macam mana nak buat flash card Alif ba ta sendiri ni kat post: [How to] Make your own Alif-Ba-Ta Mini Flash Card but this time macam ala-ala upgrade la version 2 gitu. hehehe. The one before pon ok je lagi kalau nak ikut and the template pon still available for download. But as mentioned in the title yang sebelum ni ‘mini size’ je. For this one I made it bigger.
See how En. Azri kita ngan Alif Ba Ta flash card ni in action..hehehe..
So let us start our tutorial to make this Alif-Ba-Ta flash card. First thing first is to gather all the materials, letak depan mata supaya nanti tak stress cari barang tak jumpe..hahaha.. The basic materials and tools that you need are:
- The printed pages of Alif-Ba-Ta rainbow flash card. ( You can refer to this post for download instruction, or if you want the Alif-ba-ta yang berbaris atas, I’ll give you the download link at the end of this tutorial. ๐ . Aku print atas manila card A4 size je. Murah sikit beli kat Czip Lee, Kajang hari tu.. tapi kalau nak pakai Art Card tebal pon ok gak. Asalkan tebal ok kot. Art Card yang gsm dia 200 above gituu.. )
- Adhesive book wrapper. (Mende alah ni macam sticker transparent yang besoo..ade jenis bertexture bagai but I prefer the clear type)
- Gunting
- Credit card ke or membership card ke pe. ( Aku pakai kad membership Toys R Us :p)
- Optional: Rounded corner cutter, cutting mat, pembaris besi and round cutter cap ayam.
Step 2: Lepas semua barang dah ade. Boleh la gunting flash cards kita.
Step 3: Peel one side of the sticker and susun our flash cards cantik-cantik atas tu.
Step 4: Then peel lagi satu side and carefully lekatkan kat atas flash cards tu so that the 2 sides of the sticker melekat kat depan belakang cards tu. Use the credit/membership card to smooth the surface and remove air bubbles. Dah siap tu your flash cards will look like in the picture on step 5.
Step 6: Use whatever tools you like to cut the plastic wrapper. Memula aku macam nak pakai pisau tu tapi macam pakai gunting lagi senang. hahaha..
Step 7: It is safer for babies and kid to make sure that there are no sharp corners on the card. So you can do it manually with scissor je, belasah la asalkan tak tajam or you can use rounded corner cutter macam dalam gambar tu. My new favorite tool..baru je beli hari tu..dah lama mengidam..hahaha.. :p So hasilnya jadilah macam kat step 8 tu..
Then ulang lah semua steps tu sampai la habis semua flash card kita…lepas tu SIAP! dan dah boleh bagi kat anak2 kita supaya diorang boleh gigit2 sepah2 then kita pon kena kemas setiap 12 minit..yeay! ๐ hahaha.. kan..sebelum aku lupa..the FREE printable, untuk flash card huruf hijaiyah berbaris atas tu kan. Boleh download kat link bawah ni.
Special Note: Template untuk alif ba ta berbaris atas ni aku buat dia supaya kalau korang print depan belakang ngan template Alif Ba Ta rainbow tu dia akan match. Meaning Alif Rainbow and Alif baris atas akan duduk depan belakang. So kalau nak print satu set for each template boleh or nak buat depan belakang sekali pon bule..But careful time print tu..aku pon tatau la printer aku weng ke pe tapi top margin macam lari sket..ade a few pages je yang elok..hahaha..tapinya mak tak rajin nak print balik..kertas limited and ink cartridge pon mahal.. (T _ T) huuuu..contoh yangn tak menjadi macam dalam gambar bawah ni..
Ok lah..harap korang buat lagi cun dari hasil yang aku buat ni..hahaha…Kalau korang dah buat nanti share la jugak ye ngan aku. Nak gak tengok..hehehhe..and kalau korang rasa post ni berguna, please spread the word and share this post too kay.. Mana la tau kot ade lagi sesape nak buat gak Alif Ba Ta flash card ni untuk anak-anak diorang..hehehe..
p.s: My Free printable is strictly for PERSONAL USE only ye.. Jangan buat meniaga pulak..hahaha..
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