Jawapan dari En. Nuffnang…
Hari tu yg citer pasal status ‘gelihati’ Nuffnang aku bertukar tu kan..dah dapat dah reply from Nuffnang.
Ni la yang dier cakap:
Hi Habibah,
Glitterati membership is an automated process. It’s given automatically to a blogger’s account if all his/her blog(s) registered with us serve Nuffnang ads publicly at all times and none from our competitors. In addition to that, the registered blog(s) should also be active and has at least 1 visitor in each day or else our crawler will mark it as a spam blog and this will affect your membership status. Should your blog be free from any conflicting activities, you’ll receive your Glitterati membership in 4 days time.
Your membership status was affected by codes/links from Youthsays.com . As you’ve removed them, just be patient and you’ll be Glitterati again in due time.
Rupanya memang code youthsays tu yang sebabkan kena tarik tu…tapi cam dah lama gile jek aku letak code tu…so kiranya lambat gak la nuffnang detect ek kalau kita letak code2 yang takle letak ngan Nuffnang kalau nak retain status ‘Glitterati‘ kita tu…
huu..sabo jek laa..tadi dah check tapi status aku still remained as “Ordinary(Non-exclusive)”, so sabor jek la dlu sementara nuffnang nak crawl balik blog ni..
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