Addicted to Travian..
Apakah menatang alah Travian ni…adakah seekor binatang, atau sejenis makan, atau nama bantal busuk En. Alif..
Owh..semua tu pon bukan..hehehe..
Kalau korang nak tau Travian ni sejenis online games yang aku main sekarang. Sebenarnye dah lama da aku join Travian ni…tapi tetiba tadi aku masuk server yg aku join, pastu nak upgrade ‘Palace’ aku tup..tup kelur message ni..
Dear Travian players,
All good things must come to an end, and so too must this age. Once Solomon was given a ring, upon which was inscribed a message that could take away all the joys or sorrows of the world, that message was roughly translated, “this too shall pass”. It is both our joy and sorrow to announce to all Travian that this too has now passed! We hope you enjoyed your time with us as much as we enjoyed serving you and thank you for staying until the very end!
The results: Day had long since passed into night, yet the workers of the village Solanum Virus, labored on throughout the wintery night, ever wary of the countless armies marching to destroy their work, knowing that they raced against time and the greatest threat that had ever faced the free people. Their tireless struggles were rewarded at 05:16 am after a nameless worker laid the final stone in what will be forever known as the greatest and most magnificent creation in all of history since the fall of the Natars.
Together with the alliance “LMFAOD“, “Lethal“ was the first to finish the Wonder of the World, using millions of resources whilst also protecting it with hundreds of thousands of brave defenders. It is therefore “Lethal“ who receives the title “winner of this era”!
“BGS“ was ruler over the largest personal empire, followed closely by “Brezzok&Anarchy“ and “Apache“.
“Lowca“ slew more than any other, and was the mightiest, most fearsome commander.
“Codename“ was the most glorious defender, slaughtering his enemies at his gates, staining the lands around his villages with their blood.Best regards,
Your Travian-Team
maksud nye dah abes la tu…da takle main dah…huuu..ampes..aku agak bersusah payah gak la nak besarkan kampung aku yang sekangkang kera tu..tup2 da tamat…baru la aku sedar..silap aku gak..server yang aku join tu dah lama rupenye…padan la sume orang da terer2..aku jek yang terkial2…
nak tengok rupe kampung aku…heheh..aku bagi nama ‘alifville’ hehee…boleh la untuk orang yang tak berapa creative cipta nama… 😀

Kampung ku yang sekangkang kera...

Overview of Alifville..

Ni lah kedudukan aku dalam server tu...huu
masalah aku masa main game ni, pas aku da wat askar aku cun2 kasi banyak sket..kang ade la satu makhluk yang terer gile dok attack aku…bukan sekali plak tu…berkali2…sampai abes la sume askar2 aku mati…huuu…kena buat balik..huu…ntah bape kali ntah aku kena attack tak hengat punye ni…takpe pengajaran..pasni kena tukar sket strategy aku..hohoho…
style cakap cam nak main lagi..kan..hehee…
Ya Betul….tengah hari tadi aku tengok2 pastu cam ade plak server malaysia..hai la..ape lagi..terus register…so as for la hasilnya ‘alifville’ yang baru…hohoho….

Kosong lagi alifville...

Latest progress..

Current statistic on Travian..
korang perasan tak yang kat server malaysia tu pakai Bahasa Melayu..hehehe…tak tau plak aku ade perkataan ‘Falanks’ dalam Bahasa Melayu ni..hehehe…server ni baru jek bukak 3-4 hari lepas kot..tu pon dah dok ranking ke 4952..
kenapa aku kate aku addicted ngan game ni…ye la…aku memang ade special tab (in firefox) da untuk game ni..duduk kat 2nd tab lepas tab yahoo mail aku…hehehe..everyday memang several time a day aku dok tengok benda ni..kalau cukup jek resources ade jek la yang aku buat…
Game ni memang tak perlu concentration pon..sebab tu la aku main…several times per day tu bukan la maksudnye 1-2 jam mengadap benda ni…tak de laaa….paling lama pon 2-3 minit agaknye sekali tengok…
Korang taknak try ke? hehehe..untuk mengisi masa lapang jek..hahaha..kalau nak cuba meh Join Main Travian
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