Nuffnang Hates Me…Boo Hoo~~~

Serious ni wei..apsal ek Nuffnang dah tak suke ngan aku….blog ni dah 3 bulan lebih tak dapat BE even though UV still consistent…nape ek? why..why…why…not to mentioned blog Hantaran Kahwin mak aku…dari bulan 1o tahun lepas langsung takde BE yang menjenguk..padahal blog tu ada banyak gak la UV every months..more than 400 UV per day on weekend and kalau weekdays lagi banyak…kadang cecah 900+ UV..


ni screenshot last BE aku yang dah turned to ME..last skali 28 Jan…huu…tu pon semua kat blog ni jek…blog ni UV tak banyak even with BE tak dapat banyak pon per campaign…

status aku in Nuffnang still glitterati member…tapi awatnye satu BE pon takde menjenguk..huu…Nuffnang benci aku ke?? Ape salah aku? Aku tak pernah pon participate ngan group2 click2 Nuff ni..or wat2 benda2 illegal untuk dapat earnings…huuu..aku K.E.C.I.W.A !!

Harapkan ke CPC Campaign mmg harapan la kan…dari bulan 10 tahun lepas baru la lepas RM50 baru2 ni…huuu…maybe it is time to look into other alternative? Ntah laa….Nuffnang dah menganaktirikan aku…aku sedih…

Kenapa blog with higher UV tak dapat BE ek this couple months??

Actually benda ni terjadi kat aku…kalau korang dah tau aku ade 2 blog yang registered under Nuffnang, satu tu of course la blog ni..the the other one blog Hantaran Kahwin mak aku..

sejak aku cash out last time..dalam bulan October tahun lepas blog Hantaran Kahwin tu tak dapat langsung BE..huu..cuma dapat CPC campaign biasa jek..UV untuk blog tu agak tinggi gak la..average dalam 500-800 UV per day…kalau banding ngan blog personal aku ni kalau dapat 100++ tu dah cam blessing dah..hohoho..

Selalunya blog Hantaran Kahwin tu la yang landed me BE yang la latest Metered Earning aku from Nuffnang ni..semua dari Blog Habibah & Anas ni jek..



and disebabkan traffic blog ni tak earning aku pon kurang la masyuk nye..hahaaha..dari bulan October hari tu sampai January ni baru la lepas RM50 threshold..

Harap la tak lama lagi dapat la BE kat blog Hantaran Kahwin tu..hehehe..neway..kalau korang nak tempah Hantaran Kahwin or ada kawan2 ke or adik ke kakak ke abang ke yang nak kawen gi la tengok2 blog aku tu…mak aku memang amik tempahan gubahan hantaran…

Free Personalized T-Shirt from

Hoyee..tadi baru jek order Personalized T-shirt from Tadi aku cakap FREE ni plak tetibe order..mesti korang confusekan..??

So sebenarnye aku order Personalized T-shirt ni then bayar dengan earning yang aku dapat from Affiliate. So secara teknikalnye Free la kan..sebab aku memang tak payah keluar duit aku pon..

Before this aku ade cerita nak buat T-shirt yang ada gambar ABC tu kan..kalau tak ingat ade aku post kat sini : Educational T-shirt?

t-shirt ABC special agent oso

gini la lebih kurang rupe t-shirt yang bakal aku dapat nanti…hohoho..takde la sebijik..sbb ni aku pakai template jek t-shirt ni..nnt bile dah sampai aku tunjuk kat korang.. 😀

so berbalik kepada kenapa UNTUNG gile aku beli T-shirt ni? First of all kalau kite wat design sendiri (which in this case sangat simple jek kan ) harga yang ditawarkan untuk satu T-shirt ni RM5 lagi dapat RM30..then baru2 ni ade buat promo untuk belian RM30 ke atas dapat discount 25%. (Note: for member only valid until 31/01/2011). and lagi bestnye..kalau kita bayar pakai earning kita dapat pulak FREE delivery…so untung lagi RM12 (harga ke S&S pakai skynet)..payah plak explain pakai ayat ni..apa kate korang tengok jek kat screen shot order aku kat bawah ni..

order personalized t-shirt dengan heartbeat

pas dah siap2 tolak..tu jek la yang aku kena bayar..and of course sebab aku pilih untuk bayar ngan earning actually aku tak payah keluar duit ape2 la kan… 😀 Maknanya aku dapat la sehelai Personalized T-shirt yang FREE!! hohoho..nice~~ kan?

so kalau korang minat nak buat anything personalized, gifts, t-shirt, mug ke etc..bule buat kat ni..tapi jangan lupe join dlu as affiliate..lagi untung tau..

Incoming search terms:

  • heartbeat my (24)

Baru tau rupenye bule tukar warna PINK! :D



see..warna pink dah aku punye Yahoo Mail…hehehe.. 😀

baru jek tukar..before this tengok kat options takde lagi benda ni…tadi pon sebab nak update signature..tu yg gi kat options..tengok2 bule tukar plak..hehehe..

so skang ni dah warna pink da yahoo mail sweet…

bercakap pasal e-mail ni cam teringat plak sejarah nama2 email aku dlu2 sebelum pakai beba_anas [at] yahoo [.dot] com ni..

mula2 sekali e-mail yg aku create is [email protected]..83 tu of course la tahun aku lahir, nicky tu plak dlu aku minat gile wei kat nick BSB time sekolah lagi..dari form 3 kot email tu…lama gak aku pakai..rasanya sampai dah masuk MMU baru bukak e-mail Yahoo…

Masa kat MMU dlu kat bile form group untuk assignment jek mesti bertukar2 YahooID..untuk berYM la ape lagi..masa tu email yang aku create [email protected]..angela tu dlu cam aku suke nama tu..then pastu aku gabungkan ngan heroin game Final Fantasy 9, Princess jadik la angela_garnet tu….

Lama gak aku pakai ni..then list YM friends aku kompom menjela2 kena scroll banyak kali gak..hasil ntah berapa tahun dok kat MMU tu..ade yang jadik kawan..ade tu just kawan assignment jek laa..hehee..

tup2 few years back..aku tak ingat bile..tetibe aku nak login ke email aku dah tak bule…sudah..then aku try nak retrieve cam dah takle plak..aku rasa dier tanye birthday aku bile kot..hahaha..aku dlu2 mana nye nak create account pakai info yang betul..semua dok tipu2 jek..dah tu..langsung la takle retrieve…so dengan hati yg luke aku pon create la email baru yang pakai sekarang ni…kompom2 la korang tau kan dari mana aku dapat nama tu..hehe.. :p

nampak kan aku ni setia ngan yahoo..hehe..dah 10 tahun aku dengan Yahoo Mail jek..:D

Tapi sekarang aku ada banyak email..semua domain yang aku ade semua ade email..hahaha..tapi my primary email still beba_anas ni laa..semua email2 to email domains aku tu aku forwardkan ke email yahoo aku..sebab aku malas nak bukak thunderbird (ni open source..biasanya orang pakai outlook) tu selalu..bile ade email yang nak reply baru la aku bukak and reply..

so..gitu la sejarah nama-nama e-mail aku…

Incoming search terms:

  • cara tukar warna facebook (16)

2 of my favourites win!!

Baru jek perasan pasal ni la…bukan up-to-date sangat pon.. 😀 Ape nyer yang menang tu? hohoho..takde pe laa..cuma 2 of my favourite open source; WordPress and Opencart.. 😀

Info ni aku copy paste jek from:


Open Source CMS

Every Content Management System (CMS) that is based on one of the Open Source licenses were eligible to participate in this category.

We are pleased to announce that CMS Made Simple has won the Open Source CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.


Winner: CMS Made Simple

1st Runner up: SilverStripe

2nd Runner up: MODx

Congratulations to CMS Made Simple and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Tak pernah pakai pon ni..hahaa..stick to my beloved WordPress 😀


Hall of Fame CMS

This category is reserved for those CMSes that have won the Open Source CMS Award at least once in previous years.

We are pleased to announce that WordPress has won the Hall of Fame CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.*


Winner: WordPress

1st Runner up: Drupal

2nd Runner up: Joomla!


*As a result of a tie between Drupal and WordPress, an extra independent judge Mark King was brought in for a decisive vote.

Congratulations to WordPress and a thank you to Drupal and Joomla! for taking part in the Awards this year.

Comment Puan Beba : Yeay! WordPress memang terbaek! Korang pon kalau nak buat blog pakai la wordpress ek.. 😀 macam2 bule buat..bukan blog jek..sometimes orang ingat WordPress ni limited untuk buat blog jek..skang ni wordpress orang dah pakai wat company website, portfolio, e-commerce site (simple jek la..), membership site..mcm2 la.. 😀 tu yang menang no.1 tu kan..hehe.. (bangga cam dier jek yang buat wordpress tu..haha..)


Most Promising Open Source Project

All Open Source projects, that have had its first release date less than two years from 9 August, 2010, were eligible to participate in this category.

We are pleased to announce that Pimcore has won the Most Promising Open Source Project category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: Pimcore

1st Runner up: TomatoCMS

2nd Runner up: BuddyPress

Congratulations to Pimcore and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : BuddyPress tu cam pernah nengok ala2 community portal kot..haahha..agaknye laa..malas nak gi tengok..yang len2 tu tak pernah amik tau lagi.. :p


Open Source E-Commerce Applications

This category is reserved for the type of web applications that simplify buying and selling of products on the Internet.

We are pleased to announce that PrestaShop has won the Open Source E-Commerce Applications category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: PrestaShop

1st Runner up: OpenCart

2nd Runner up: Tomato Cart

Congratulations to PrestaShop and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Tahun depan kompon OpenCart menang no.1! hohoho..tengah tunggu diorang release OpenCart 1.5 plak ni..tengok ape improvementnye.. 😀


Open Source Graphics Software

This category, as the name suggests, is for all Graphic Application Software that is used for graphic design, multimedia development, specialized image development, general image editing, or simply to access graphic files.

We are pleased to announce that Blender has won the Open Source Graphics Software category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: Blender

1st Runner up: GIMP

2nd Runner up: Inkscape

Congratulations to Blender and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : Part ni aku tak berapa reti beno..sebab aku tak gune..gune photoshop jek..korang pernah try ke blender tu..aku selalu nampak blogger2 pakai GIMP and Inkscape..jarang yang mentioned Blender..maybe korang bule try..mana tau kot best..hehee.. 😀


Open Source JavaScript Libraries

This category is reserved for JavaScript libraries, libraries of pre-written JavaScript controls which allow for easier development of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications), visually enhanced applications or smoother server-side JavaScript functionalities.

We are pleased to announce that jQuery has won the Open Source JavaScript Libraries category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

Winner: jQuery

1st Runner up: Mootools and Raphaël

Congratulations to jQuery and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Comment Puan Beba : aku tak reti coding jQuery ni..nak belajar malas..hahaa..bule ke.. :p hehe..tapi memang jQuery ni lagi memana pon ade orang juga..aku pon gune..tapi orang lain codekan..hahaa..kat plugin2 wordpress banyak yang pakai jQuery ni..

opensourceCMSItu jek la pesanan penaja hari ni..hehehe..kalau sape2 nak migrate ke wordpress and tak berapa nak reti nak install or nak setup or nakkan custom made template silalah contact aku ek.. 😀 I’ll do it for you..tapi tak free la ek..hehehe..saya ialah suri rumah yang nak carik duit poket.. :p