by beba | Apr 16, 2010 | On the Net |
Hari aku cash out kan earning affliate yang aku join ngan Aku rasa memang sangat menguntungkan gak join affiliate ngan ni..sebabnya..barang2 yang diorang jual ni memang unik..and memang la sangat sesuai untuk buat2 hadiah ni..
Aku pernah buat gak barang ngan diorang..kalau tak ingat meh tengok kat entry aku kat sini pasal Personalized T-shirt ayah alif and Mug Alif. Pastu kat sini plak pasal barang2 yang diorang jual.
Aku decide nak cash out hari ni cam sebab current earning aku dah mencecah RM100+. Bestnya..
hasil dari affiliate
Before this aku dah pernah keluarkan RM80++ hehe..happy nye dapat duit.. 😀 bila agaknya the amount ni nak reflect in my account..korang pon cuba la join affiliate ni. Kalau korang nak beli ape2 pon aku sarankan korang join jugak affiliate diorang ni..sebabnya..kalau korang join affiliate ni..korang akan dapat discount and akan terus dimasukkan dah dalam earning ada keuntungan gak di situ.. 😀
okeh laa..nak cite pasal sambutan birthday en.suami ku hari ni..tapi tak transfer lagi gambar from camera..tak tau la bilenye tu..hahah.. 😀
by beba | Apr 10, 2010 | On the Net |
Actually dah banyak kali aku come across of this new phenomenon..kenapa phenomenon..haha..sebab cam everywhere aku blogwalking cam mesti terjumpe pasal this new way of making money online.
Aku rasa maybe most of you pon dah join or pernah dengar pasal ni..aku ni lambat sket..sebab cam still ragu2 nak join. Tapi pas dok bace post kat blog Baby Intan cam terasa nak join sebelum korang nak join gak meh sini aku cite sket ape yg aku tau pasal Mylook ni…
how does it work...
cam dalam gambar kat atas ni..yg korang kena buat cuma ‘search’ menggunakan Mylook jek..and for every searches You will be paid : $0.22 per search x 5 times = $1.10 per day x 1 month = $33!
So..$33 x 3.18450 (current exchange rate) = RM 105.088 sebulan..
ok gak kan? not bad..hehehe..sape nak bagi…
Ni pulak more info about Mylook..
MyLook is the new search engine “owned” by it’s users. For each search that a user does through that user is rewarded with 1 “share” in MyLook. These are not shares that are on a stock exchange but shares as part of the real life game that is MyLook. When dividends are awarded you will receive a real life money payment for each share you hold in MyLook.
While MyLook has not put advertising on the site to start paying dividends out yet – it is now a great opportunity for users to start building up their shares in MyLook now. Why? Lots of shares are being handed out in the early stages, and it might be gradually more difficult to earn shares later especially when they are paying out dividends monthly. MyLook is a ground floor opportunity to get into a startup, without any financial investment on your behalf – you just simply need to use as a search service.
While it may be more difficult to get shares later on, once you own a share in Mylook it’s yours – for good. You will keep getting dividend payments on it for the life of the site, or for as long as you remain an active user of MyLook.
Sign up now and start building up your shares today!
So ape lagi..join jek laaaa…sekarang ni baru2 ni join jek dlu..kalau refer to this phrase “While it may be more difficult to get shares later on, once you own a share in Mylook it’s yours – for good” kalau lambat2 join nanti kang rugi..bile time tu diorang dah susah dah nak bagi shares2 ni.. 😀 klik2 gambar logo mylook kat bawah tu kalau nak join kay…cepat-cepat sebelum terlambat!! 😀
by beba | Apr 1, 2010 | On the Net |
Aku dapat e-mail ni semalam…before this perasan gak ada org yg join2 group klik2 Nuffnang ni..tapi tak pernah terlintas plak nak kepada sesape yg still dengan group klik2 Nuffnang ni silakan korang berenti sebab En. Nuffnang dah bagi warning!
Dear Nuffnangers,
As you might already know, there are 2 different types of campaigns from Nuffnang: Metered (mCPM) Campaigns , which pay according to the number of visitors who see the ads; and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, which pay bloggers based on the number of clicks generated on the ads.
It has come to our attention that certain groups have been committing click fraud, which is defined as clicking on CPC advertisements intentionally just to generate earnings for a blog’s owner. Do note that this act is an abuse of our Terms & Conditions under Section 6.
Banner ads are only supposed to be clicked on if the viewer is interested to find out more about the advertising campaign, and not for the intention of earning extra money. Should this situation worsen, the frequency of ad campaigns might be significantly reduced as we’ll only be able to sell ad spaces on blogs with no click fraud record.
Our system is capable of tracking these illegal actions which are documented and if necessary, be used as evidence for any legal purposes. In the past, Nuffnang has suspended and banned various individuals and groups for committing this offence. However, as the number of bloggers who commit this selfish act has been growing in an alarming rate within our community, we’re forced to be more vigilant and will take necessary action to ensure our other members of the community who do not engage in such act to suffer in the long run.
If you are aware of any of your friends or anyone who have been engaging in such acts, we would appreciate it if you could kindly advise them to refrain from doing so, as bloggers who are caught engaging in click fraud activities will be punished severely, either by suspension or termination.
Thank you for your attention.
Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
by beba | Mar 27, 2010 | On the Net |
Hari tu aku cam tengok kat nuffnang’s earning tup2 tengok rupa2nya blog Habibah & Anas ni dah ade dapat buffered earnings (satu dah ended and ada kat metered earnings)..tapi..walaupon ade..hasilnye sgtlah seciput yg cam tak berapa contribute pon..huuu..maybe sbb traffic still sgt rendah lagi..harap2 tak lama lagi dapat la naik sket traffic ke blog aku yg tak seberapa ni..hehe..actually best sebenarnya bile kita tau apa yang kita tulis ni ada orang bace, and of course la..lagi ramai lagi bagus.. 😀
tapi with nuffnang ni traffic memang memainkan peranan yang paling penting and part nak tarik traffic ni la bab yang aku paling lemah sekali..hehee..aku and nuffnang ni pon baru lagi, tak sampai pon la..walaupon usia blog aku ni dah 3 tahun tapi baru tahun lepas aku start nak beramah mesra dengan blogger2 lain and mengenal bagaimana nak menjana duit melalui blog ni. Sebelum tu boleh dikatakan blog aku ni more to private blog or diary yang aku share with friends and families.
Tapi sepanjang aku dah kenal dengan cara buat duit from blogging ni dapat gak la cover duit domain and hosting aku ni..hehee..
baru2 ni aku dah dapat pay out from (lama gak aku tunggu dekat sebulan dua gak..diorang bank-in cheque to my maybank account). Last time aku check pon dah bule la nak cash out, tapi tunggu bagi banyak sket lagi..
kat bawah ni plak overview earnings aku kat 😀 not bad eh..
ok la kan pocket money..sape nak bagi kita duit saje2 ye tak? Kalau pada sesape yang tak tau ape yg diorang buat korang boleh refer kat entry aku:
So kalau korang berminat untuk passive money ni selain dari Nuffnang boleh la try join ni. 😀
p.s: bulan lepas ada dapat my 2nd cheque from Nuffnang, tapi blom bank-in pon lagi..nnt sat2 esok lusa ka kasi tepek la kat sini..hehee..
by beba | Mar 26, 2010 | On the Net |
Setelah lama berusaha…akhirnya bangun gak benda alah Turmaculus ni.. :p
by beba | Mar 25, 2010 | On the Net |
Hari tu sempat aku capture masa comments in my blog dah mencapai 1111 comments…
sekarang ni dah naik lagi..terima kasih kepada korang2 yang sudi memberi comments kat entry2 aku yg tak seberapa ni. Dengan comments korang ni la yang bagi semangat and membuatkan aku tau yg ade gak la yang sudi bace kemerapuan aku kat blog ni..heehe..thanks ye korang..really appreciate it.
Just want to remind korang yang aku akan buat contest nanti…tunggu tau…tak buat lagi banner untuk contest ni.. 😀
p.s: keep up the good comments kay guys, maybe sometimes in the future aku nak pick top ‘pengomen’ maybe 1 or 2 and reward you.. tp make sure komen tu ada kena mengena la kan ngan tajuk..jangan la komen just buat muke senyum ke..tulis sepatah dua jek ke..reject tu..hahaaha.. :p
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