semalam kitorang pegi dinner kat LeMeridian..I think the foods are worth of what we’re paying..kitorang makan buffet kat sane..RM60 per person..hoho..makanan byk gak choices..yg aku ingat ade:

  • buttered rice, nasi kunyit
  • baked mussel with cheese, roasted lamb with mushroom sauce, steamed fish with tomato sauce, baked potato, chinese assorted vegie.
  • sayur lodeh, asam calamari, steamed fish? , ayam masak ape ntah..haha, beancurd with sauce
  • variety of sushi
  • make-your-own ceaser salad, a lot of salad dishes that I don’t think I can consume..hoho
  • crackers etc with assorted cheese to choose to eat it with. i.e: blue cheese
  • pastas ( i.e: penne, fettucini, spaggeti) with 2 choice of sauces ( bolognese, alfredo)
  • chinese noodle mee with lots sides to choose from
  • roasted beef ( merah lagi wei..i don’t like it..and not healthy too )
  • Baguette with butter ( i like unsalted butter..hoho)
  • vegie soup ( healthy..yes..delicious? )
  • 3 or 4 type of cakes, a couple of pudding, bread pudding.
  • fruits ( red and yellow watermelons, red n green jambu air, oren, papaya )
  • promotion – butter prawn, barramundi (sejenis ikan yg aku xpenah dengar ) with some chinese sauce, barramundi fried with ginger, peria masak ape ntah (dak p yg nk..aku xsuke..)

tu jek la kot..xsume la aku aku rasa that’s a lot to choose from..and mmg la xmakan sume kan..ade yg aku xsuke n ade yg da xlarat nk makan..hehe..

hohoh..dak p caught in action..bersemangat tol makan..tu sume cite yg besh jek..cite ngeri dak p start just after kitorang abes makan buah..huu..

aku pon xbape sure..sbb dak p cam tetibe senyap jek..bile aku tanya kenapa dier cam suh senyap aku pon tgk jek laa..pastu dier cam da berpeluh2 da pastu cakap cam rasa nk muntah plak..huu….then bile da siap byr sume kitorang g toilet jap..aku pon masuk gak toilet..kuar2 jek dak p da tunggu kat kerusi kat lobby tu cam muke sume da basah2 dier dok basuh muke..aku pegang da cam sejuk semacam jek…nk kate something dier makan..rasanyer kitorang makan benda yg mmg bukan la..sbb aku ok hipotesis kitorang is that dak p da OVERLOADED..mkn byk sgt sampai da tertanggung da..

hohoh..padahal before tu baru jek aku dok bercerita pasal cite masa kecik2 dlu..adik aku makan buffet la..byk sgt sampai muntah then demam the next day..hohoh..tgk2 dak p plak yg da sejuk2 sbb lebih makan..hohoho..

then kitorang g kat keter n dak p rehat2 kejap..risau gak aku..sbb dier yg kena drive..aku mana reti nk drive keter manual ni..da la da xlama xbawak kete..jalan pon xsure..hahaha..cermin mata xbawak doa2 jek la dak p still ok enough to drive..camne pon kitorang selamat la sampai umah..dak p bawak slow2 jek..ingat ke nk berenti kat klinik gak..yg ampesnyer aku nampak 4 klinik on the way balik sume pon tutup!! wth..baik xpayah bukak klinik kalu pukul 8 lebih da tutup..xpaham aku..

then kat umah dak p rehat..aku sapu ubat angin sket..then suh dak p tdo..pastu dalam kol 12.00pm dak p bangun n da rasa agak ok la..badan pon da x sejuk2 da..then pagi ni pon dier da pegi keja da..maknanyer da ok la td dier sms aku kate da fobia tgk makanan hari ni..hahaha..lunch mkn kacang jek..hahaha..sian dak p..

ape2 pon..mmg sedap la makan kat LeMeridian tu..tersedap yg kat sabah ni..hahaha..maybe sbb makanan diorang kan cam standard kat semenanjung kot..tu la aku rasa sesuai ngan selera aku..hohoho..