hulo..wah..da lama da xtulis blog ni..before this ade jugak blog kat rase nyer last update ade la bulan lepas kot. heh..tu pon da almost bape bulan ntah kot’s not that xde ape yg nak ditulis, tp cam malas la..hehe..kat blog tu mostly pasal life..and usually time aku menulis blog tu time tgh tensen cerita dier pon cam cite org tensen gak kalu nk melawat site dier



Before this berseorangan xlama lagi da nk jadi berdua plak..h0h0h0…tu la wat blog baru ni..sesaje jek..lagipon blog ni aku bule post, anas pon bule x tau la tahap mane kerajinan mamat tu nk menulis blog.. nnt kite sama2 tgk. so, what do you think ngan layout ni..cun x? ala2 cam cute2 la kot…tp kalu korang x rase kiut xpe la..huu. it takes me several hours to design the theme..but the codes..i just grab it from somewhere..malas la nk code2 ni..nk kena paham lagi ape yg nk dibuat etc…senang kalu modified jek..cepat pon cepat..mane la ade mase sgt nk dok depan pc lelama (padahal 9 jam dok depan pc) .



Actually I just finished tweaking the layout and uploaded it..looking at the empty spaces in the blog, i have the urge to write something. uhh..I’d been yawning since 20minutes!