Aku dapat e-mail ni semalam…before this perasan gak ada org yg join2 group klik2 Nuffnang ni..tapi tak pernah terlintas plak nak join..hehe..so kepada sesape yg still dengan group klik2 Nuffnang ni silakan korang berenti sebab En. Nuffnang dah bagi warning!
Dear Nuffnangers,
As you might already know, there are 2 different types of campaigns from Nuffnang: Metered (mCPM) Campaigns , which pay according to the number of visitors who see the ads; and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, which pay bloggers based on the number of clicks generated on the ads.
It has come to our attention that certain groups have been committing click fraud, which is defined as clicking on CPC advertisements intentionally just to generate earnings for a blog’s owner. Do note that this act is an abuse of our Terms & Conditions under Section 6.
Banner ads are only supposed to be clicked on if the viewer is interested to find out more about the advertising campaign, and not for the intention of earning extra money. Should this situation worsen, the frequency of ad campaigns might be significantly reduced as we’ll only be able to sell ad spaces on blogs with no click fraud record.
Our system is capable of tracking these illegal actions which are documented and if necessary, be used as evidence for any legal purposes. In the past, Nuffnang has suspended and banned various individuals and groups for committing this offence. However, as the number of bloggers who commit this selfish act has been growing in an alarming rate within our community, we’re forced to be more vigilant and will take necessary action to ensure our other members of the community who do not engage in such act to suffer in the long run.
If you are aware of any of your friends or anyone who have been engaging in such acts, we would appreciate it if you could kindly advise them to refrain from doing so, as bloggers who are caught engaging in click fraud activities will be punished severely, either by suspension or termination.
Thank you for your attention.
Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
hooo..warning tuhh.
huhu btol jugak.orang buat iklan sbb nak tarik customer terhadap iklan tu, bukan nk earn money kan. huhu tapi ku pun terjebak =.=
ingt2 dan selamat beramal=)
hohoho..tu laa..semua orang cam dah salah guna la ni kot…nuffnang ni baru nak strict kot bab ni..kalau google adsense mmg orang dah lama da tau tak le buat keja2 ni..
hehe..kalau dah terjebak tu kena la berenti..kang sia2 jek kena banned from nuffnang.. 😀
hohhoo thnks for valueable infoo!
hentikan klik2. hahaha :p
aku single n mingle.. x leh nak juin!
pe yg die warning ek?
kurang phm lak T______T
@ejaa tak dapat ke email tu? huu..ntah2 ade kot..end up in spam ke..hehhe…email tu pon masuk kat spam memulanye..
@tED| hehehe..kalau dah single mingle tak dapat la nak tolong..hehe..scandal pon takde ke? :p
@eryfarieha warning nye…jangan join group2 yg main klik2 nuffnang ni..dlu saya pernah tengok..ade group ni siap bagi nombor kumpulan camne ntah..then cam hari2 diorang akan pergi ke blog dalam kumpulan diorang and click nuffnang…gitu la kot rasanya cara diorang berfungsi..