hehehe…thx pada kawan2 yg wish bday to me..guess all of u are right..the baby is going to be the best bday present ever..hehe..td da pegi da scan..baby is still a small um..baby..heheh..kecik gle..doc just tunjuk camtu jek..sebab dier kate that visit just to confirm that the baby is growing in there…so i’ll have to jumpe dier lagi in another 3minggu lagi..maybe at that time da bule nampak bentuk baby da kot..ntah la..hopefully the next visit dapat more info dari yg skang ni..hahaha..i guess it is still confusing on most part about being pregnant..huu..

dak p cakap aku skang ni mmg berjaya..tdo and makan jek..hohoho..ampes tol..seriously letih btol..aku xtau la kalu sume org pon camni ke per…aku xde masalah lain cam morning sickness ke ape ni..makan pon xde problem except for aku nk makan makanan pedas! huu…tp tu la..asik tdo jek..huuu…ni pon baru jek lepas bangun..soh dak p kejut, nk tgk house punye pasal..hehehe…kalu camni ni xtau la camne besar kang aku bule jadik..huuu..ampes..as for now i can still fit in all my baju..but jeans mmg da xslesa la sgt nk pakai da..huu…xrelanyer membulat….