Cousin aku mengetag gambar article ni di FB aku baru2 ni..Click gambar tu kalau nak bace ek…

matahari terbit dari barat..

NASA confirms possibilty of sun rising from the West (Click for larger image ye..)

Fenomena yang di cakap dalam article ni di kenali ngan nama Retrograde Motion. Memang ade aku jumpe pasal ni kat website NASA.

Retrograde Motion of Mars

Retrograde Motion of Mars (Click for Larger Image)

Kat bawah ni the explainationnye yang aku ambil dari:

Explanation: Why would Mars appear to move backwards? Most of the time, the apparent motion of Mars in Earth’s sky is in one direction, slow but steady in front of the far distant stars. About every two years, however, the Earth passes Mars as they orbit around the Sun. During the most recent such pass in August, Mars loomed particularly large and bright. Also during this time, Mars appeared to move backwards in the sky, a phenomenon called retrograde motion. Pictured above is a series of images digitally stacked so that all of the stars images coincide. Here, Mars appears to trace out a loop in the sky. At the top of the loop, Earth passed Mars and the retrograde motion was the highest. Retrograde motion can also be seen for other Solar System planets. In fact, by coincidence, the dotted line to the right of the image center is Uranus doing the same thing.

From the explaination actually aku cam perasan ayat ni : Why would Mars appear to move backwards? and from another source pon dier cakap appear gak..

If observed from one night to the next, however, a planet appears to move from West to East against the background stars most of the time. Occasionally, however, the planet’s motion will appear to reverse direction, and the planet will, for a short time, move from East to West against the background constellations. This reversal is known as retrograde motion, and is illustrated in the following animation.


*kalau nak tengok animation nye go to the URL above tu kay…

Pastu I did more googling and apa yang aku faham, sebenarnya planet Mars tu still bergerak macam biasa jek..cuma bila dari Bumi, kita akan nampak seakan-akan Mars rotating in the opposite direction. Aku rasa this site here boleh explain lagi detail camne sebenarnya Retrograde Motion ni berlaku :

Jadi Matahari di Mars tetap akan terbit dan terbenam seperti biasa iaitu dari timur ke barat..

Not to say the article is wrong..of course la kita semua pon tau tanda2 hari kiamat ni..and some of it (tanda-tanda kecil) dan pon nampak kat dunia kita ni sekarang..

Tapi berkenaan dengan Retrograde Motion ni maybe ada sikit salah faham kot kat situ..macam mana kejadian Bagaimana Matahari Boleh Terbit dari Barat ni semuanya kuasa Allah s.w.t dan hanya DIA saja yang mengetahui segalanya..wallahualam…

p.s: Kesimpulan ini adalah pendapat persendirian dah hasil dari pakcik google..renung2kan lah..dan selamat beramal.. :p