I’ve joined Github

I’ve joined Github

Yeah. Just registered an account for myself at Github. For what? I'm not sure. Hahaha. But it does look interesting. Hopefully I can contribute something there. 😀 There's nothing in it right now, but here is the link to my Github...

Bershopping buku sakan kat 1Borneo..

Bershopping buku sakan kat 1Borneo..

Semalam kitorang sesaje keluar jalan2 kat 1Borneo..dah boring2 asik duduk rumah jek..hehehe.. 😀 So hasilnya.. Habis RM150 gak la dok memborong buku ni..buku Alif yang Mickey Mouse tu la yang melarikan budget aku..RM29.90 satu .Maknye dapat 3 buku jek..buku2 on the...

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Sembang-sembang Alif di pagi hari..

Sejak Alif dah pandai bercakap ni kadang2 macam2 gak conversation pelik or kelakar or ntah ape2 yang terjadi antara kitorang berdua mak and anak ni..hehe.. Tapi yang ni more to Alif merapu kot...sebab dia macam still mamai2 jek antara dah bangun tido and belum..so cam...

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Alif is 3 (Sebulan yang lepas.. :p)

Alif is 3 (Sebulan yang lepas.. :p)

Dah sebulan lebih dah baru la sebok nak update pasal ni...hehe..memang lately kalau korang yang dulu2 lagi cam dah kenal ngan aku mesti perasan yang sejak few months ni memang aku jarang betul update blog kan? Maybe sebab mood untuk berblog ni cam dah merudum abes dah...

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SBPA di mansuhkan??

SBPA di mansuhkan??

PUTRAJAYA: The Public Service New Remuneration Scheme (SBPA) has been scrapped, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced on Thursday. He said the existing Sistem Saraan Malaysia will be reintroduced with improvements. Source: The Star Online SBPA dah kena...

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mak: what do you want to eat?
alif: bistut!! yum~~ yummy in my tummy… (sambil usap2 perut)

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Sembang-sembang Alif #2

Sembang-sembang Alif #2 mak: what do you want to eat? alif: bistut!! yum~~ yummy in my tummy... (sambil usap2 perut)

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alif: mak~ you read book?
mak: yup..
alif: why you read?
mak: because I like it..
alif: okay, you read book..I want to watch TV..

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Sembang-sembang Alif #1

Sembang-sembang Alif #1 mak tengah dok bace buku. alif: mak~ you read book? mak: yup.. alif: why you read? mak: because I like it.. alif: okay, you read book..I want to watch TV..

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