by beba | Apr 12, 2010 | Our Life Stories |
hai laa…tak tau la kenapa..tapi cam teruk sgt la internet ni selaju siput merayap..huu
tak tercapai impian aku nak buat post everyday untuk bulan april ni…semua sebab internet ni cam lembab gile ni..huu..salahkan internet!! 😀
nak pergi menerjah entry2 contest pon payah..kang tak load gambar la..itu la..ini la..mcm2 ler..
so..akan aku usahakah kan camne pon.. harap2 by tonight dah bule update pasal peserta Love is you an me Contest..
p.s: adakah sebab internet atau wordpress aku ni buat hal..aku menaip ni cam orang buta tak nampak ape2..font dier putih sama ngan camne..huu…adoi..pening…huu..
by beba | Apr 10, 2010 | Our Life Stories |
Ye…seperti tajuk di atas…kitorang di no. __, Taman Inanam Laut ni akan mengadakan ‘The Biggest Loser Inanam!!‘ yeayyy…antara sebab2 nye ialah masing pon dah mempunyai spare tyres yang makin menonjol and akan tertonjol kalau tak diambil tindakan inilah dier…pesertanya semestinya Puan Beba, En. Anas dan En. Alif..opsss..setelah ditimbang tara..En. Alif tidak layak untuk memasuki pertandingan ini…kerana dah selim melim..
ni la muke budak yg disqualified..tak puas hati la tu..
Actually Puan Beba of course la me..dah ada kelebihan seminggu sebab dah start awal… 😀 as for now..inilah kedudukannya:
Puan Beba:
En. Anas:
Berat ditimbang pada 10.04.2010 petang..tetapi rasanya..mungkin dan naik balik (untuk Puan Beba) sebab tadi malam kitorang dok melantak makan kat Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa at Suria Sabah..sabo jek laa..hehehe..
Pasal camne strategy Puan Beba untuk ‘The Biggest Loser Inanam’ ni kang..tunggu… 😀
p.s: ai pening..nnt nak pergi terjah ade lagi sket contest entry yg baru and mana yg tak complete lagi tu..pastu kang esok la kot..baru wat entry untuk contestants yang join this week.. 😀
by beba | Apr 10, 2010 | On the Net |
Actually dah banyak kali aku come across of this new phenomenon..kenapa phenomenon..haha..sebab cam everywhere aku blogwalking cam mesti terjumpe pasal this new way of making money online.
Aku rasa maybe most of you pon dah join or pernah dengar pasal ni..aku ni lambat sket..sebab cam still ragu2 nak join. Tapi pas dok bace post kat blog Baby Intan cam terasa nak join sebelum korang nak join gak meh sini aku cite sket ape yg aku tau pasal Mylook ni…
how does it work...
cam dalam gambar kat atas ni..yg korang kena buat cuma ‘search’ menggunakan Mylook jek..and for every searches You will be paid : $0.22 per search x 5 times = $1.10 per day x 1 month = $33!
So..$33 x 3.18450 (current exchange rate) =Â RM 105.088 sebulan..
ok gak kan? not bad..hehehe..sape nak bagi…
Ni pulak more info about Mylook..
MyLook is the new search engine “owned” by it’s users. For each search that a user does through that user is rewarded with 1 “share” in MyLook. These are not shares that are on a stock exchange but shares as part of the real life game that is MyLook. When dividends are awarded you will receive a real life money payment for each share you hold in MyLook.
While MyLook has not put advertising on the site to start paying dividends out yet – it is now a great opportunity for users to start building up their shares in MyLook now. Why? Lots of shares are being handed out in the early stages, and it might be gradually more difficult to earn shares later especially when they are paying out dividends monthly. MyLook is a ground floor opportunity to get into a startup, without any financial investment on your behalf – you just simply need to use as a search service.
While it may be more difficult to get shares later on, once you own a share in Mylook it’s yours – for good. You will keep getting dividend payments on it for the life of the site, or for as long as you remain an active user of MyLook.
Sign up now and start building up your shares today!
So ape lagi..join jek laaaa…sekarang ni baru2 ni join jek dlu..kalau refer to this phrase “While it may be more difficult to get shares later on, once you own a share in Mylook it’s yours – for good” kalau lambat2 join nanti kang rugi..bile time tu diorang dah susah dah nak bagi shares2 ni.. 😀 klik2 gambar logo mylook kat bawah tu kalau nak join kay…cepat-cepat sebelum terlambat!! 😀
by beba | Apr 9, 2010 | Our Life Stories |
hari tu aku dok tengok2 blog lama aku..ala..time2 tengah berchenta dlu..
pastu terperasan lak kat shoutbox lama ni:
notice the ‘dak p‘ and ‘dak b‘ ? tu la kitorang..and rupanya dah lama gak ek kitorang guna nickname ni with each other..dari awal tahun 2007..ikot dari shoutbox ni laa…tak tau la kot2 lagi lama pada ni..hehe..tak ingat aku..huu..
of course ada ceritanya gak disebalik nama2 ‘manja’ kitorang ni..tapi biarlah rahsia..hehehe.. :p
sampai sekarang pon lekat lagi nickname ni..tak tau la sampai bile..hahaa..kot2 kang dah tua2 berkedut pon sebok la nak ber ‘dak p’ ‘dak b’ ni..hahaha.. 😀
korang camne? ade nama manja2 ke?
Incoming search terms:
- panggilan manja (73)
- nama manja (43)
- nama panggilan manja (25)
by beba | Apr 9, 2010 | Photobook |
yeay! photobook lagi..this is our 3rd photobook..
tangan kecik alif pegang photobook dier..
Photobook kali ni lain from the previous 2 photobooks:
sebab kali ni aku tak print dengan Photobook Malaysia but dengan U-Print plak..before aku buat photobook dengan u-print ni tak plak aku tau rupa2 nya diorang ni under karangkraf malaysia .
Aku buat dengan u-print ni sebab aku tak larat nak buat sampai 40 pages. Untuk photobook ni aku wat cam ala2 digital scrapbook..tu la buat 24 pages jek.. (min pages for u-print A4 Landscape Window/Die Cut Photobook).
Photobook printed by
Benda ni harga nya RM95 (for 24 pages) tapi sekarang ni sampai 30.04 diorang ada wat discount. Just key-in the Voucher Code# LVNZGFCIT2FIG masa wat order tu..
Masa aku beli semuanya +delivery+paper upgrade = RM89.09.
Software yang dipakai oleh U-print ni memang sebijik cam Photobook Malaysia..
Pengalaman 1st time aku berurusan ngan U-print ni panjang gak ceritanya..
Nak tau ke? huu..kalau rajin bace la..kalau tak skip jek..hohoo…
Actually service memang sangat cepat..sebab aku order dalam 2 hari kot dah sampai dah kat umah aku..tapi..bile aku check2 cam ade silap masa binding proses tu..2 pages cam the next day aku call diorang and a En. Mansor take my call and after dah terangkan semua dier minta maaf sebab terang2 memang salah diorang..and dier kata poskan balik photobook tu kat dier..
aku pon post the next monday kot..sebab hari aku call tu dah hari jumaat..tapi pos laju pon takde la laju sgt..3 hari baru sampai ke tangan diorang..and by that time En Mansor was on medical leave pulak (ade surgery pe ntah) tapi aku rasa maybe dier lupe inform orang lain pasal my problem..aku pulak dok tunggu jek..huu..pastu rasa cam dah lama sgt aku email diorang..and a Ms. Wani yang Ms. wani ni dah tau cerita cam cepat la diorang setelkan..and dapat la aku my photobook yang dah ok..and a 40% discount voucher..ok la tu..sebab aku pon cam ade gak lagi plan untuk wat another photobook… 😀
tu jek la for quality..bule tahan laa..tapi warna dier cam washed out sket..and the cover tu cam lembek sket kat hujung yg tajam tu..dier ade bekas untuk simpan..tapi nak kena tambah RM30+ la takde la aku beli.. :p
p.s: malam ni kang aku pergi terjah entry peserta2 contest love is you and me. 😀
Incoming search terms:
- photobook (532)
- baby photobook (22)
- best photobook in malaysia (14)
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