En. Nuffnang bagi warning?

Aku dapat e-mail ni semalam…before this perasan gak ada org yg join2 group klik2 Nuffnang ni..tapi tak pernah terlintas plak nak join..hehe..so kepada sesape yg still dengan group klik2 Nuffnang ni silakan korang berenti sebab En. Nuffnang dah bagi warning!


Dear Nuffnangers,

As you might already know, there are 2 different types of campaigns from Nuffnang: Metered (mCPM) Campaigns , which pay according to the number of visitors who see the ads; and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, which pay bloggers based on the number of clicks generated on the ads.

It has come to our attention that certain groups have been committing click fraud, which is defined as clicking on CPC advertisements intentionally just to generate earnings for a blog’s owner. Do note that this act is an abuse of our Terms & Conditions under Section 6.

Banner ads are only supposed to be clicked on if the viewer is interested to find out more about the advertising campaign, and not for the intention of earning extra money. Should this situation worsen, the frequency of ad campaigns might be significantly reduced as we’ll only be able to sell ad spaces on blogs with no click fraud record.

Our system is capable of tracking these illegal actions which are documented and if necessary, be used as evidence for any legal purposes. In the past, Nuffnang has suspended and banned various individuals and groups for committing this offence. However, as the number of bloggers who commit this selfish act has been growing in an alarming rate within our community, we’re forced to be more vigilant and will take necessary action to ensure our other members of the community who do not engage in such act to suffer in the long run.

If you are aware of any of your friends or anyone who have been engaging in such acts, we would appreciate it if you could kindly advise them to refrain from doing so, as bloggers who are caught engaging in click fraud activities will be punished severely, either by suspension or termination.

Thank you for your attention.

Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd

‘Love is you and Me’ Contest

*post ni akan berada kat atas ni sampai 30.04.2010, tengok kat bawah ni for new entry kay ๐Ÿ˜€

Love is you and me Contest

Akhirnya dapat jugak aku buat entry ni..seharian ni memang teruk gile la connection internet..kalau nak cerita kang panjang plak..so straight to the point..before this aku masuk contest jek..tapi this time aku nak buat contest plak..

Aku tau nama tu takde la creative sangat..tp takde idea nak bg nama ape untuk contest ni..so dengan ini bermula hari ini aku bukak penyertaan untuk ‘Love is You and Me’ contest !

Contest ni bersempena dengan our Wedding Anniversary yang untuk ke-2 kalinya yg jatuh pada 04.04.10 ni dan jugak sempena Birthday En. Suami saya iaitu En. Anas a.k.a dak p pada 16.04.10 ini.

Cara-caranya cam kat bawah ni:

  1. Follow and add blog Habibah & Anas in your blogroll.
  2. Letak banner Sabah Accessories kat sidebar korang. (Boleh pilih antara 3 saiz yang ada kat bawah entry ni..)
  3. Create a post dengan tajuk Love is you and me Contest.
  4. In the entry, letak banner contest ‘Love is you and Me‘ and link the image to this entry; https://beba-anas.com/contest/love-is-you-and-me-contest
  5. Mention about Sabah Accessories and link it; http://sabahaccessories.com. (Pendek2 pon takpe)
  6. Upload SATU sahaja gambar you and your significant others (husband ke tunang ke boyfriend ke scandal ke tak kesah lah.. :p) yang menunjukkan you’re a very loving couple gitu.. ๐Ÿ˜€
  7. Lastly, just leave the permalink of your entry kat comment in this entry.


As for hadiahnya, actually still belum decide lagi yang mana nak diberi as hadiah (tp yang pasti hadiah di sponsor oleh Sabah Accessories)..hehe..so rajin2 kan diri korang browse barang2 kat Sabah Accessories tu and kalau ada yang korang minat..just tepek jek sekali gambar barang yg korang minat tu..mana la tau kot2 tuan punya kedai bermurah hati nak bagi the item as hadiah.. :p Kalau sudi jadilah fan di Fan Page Sabah Accessories on Facebook..benda ni dah lama buat..tapi baru jek publish semalam.. ๐Ÿ˜€

Hadiah pon akan ditentukan mengikut jumlah penyertaan..kalau ramai yg masuk..maybe banyak gak la hadiahnye..hehee..so ajak la ramai2 memeriahkan contest aku yang tak seberapa ni ye.. ๐Ÿ˜€

Tarikh tutup penyertaan ialah pada 30 April 2010 pukul 11.59pm!

p.s: bawah ni banner Sabah Accessories yang korang bule pilih nak letak yang mana kat sidebar korang…kicik ada busar pun ada.. ๐Ÿ˜€

Sabah Accessories Banner 250ร—250 px

copy and paste this code:

<div style="text-align:center;">
<a href="http://sabahaccessories.com" target="_blank">
<img src="http://sabahaccessories.com/images/sa_250x250_banner.gif"/>

Sabah Accessories Banner 200ร—200 px

copy and paste this code:

<div style="text-align:center;">
<a href="http://sabahaccessories.com" target="_blank">
<img src="http://sabahaccessories.com/images/sa_200x200_banner.gif"/>

Sabah Accessories Banner 125ร—125 px

copy and paste this code:

<div style="text-align:center;">
<a href="http://sabahaccessories.com" target="_blank">
<img src="http://sabahaccessories.com/images/sa_125x125_banner.gif"/>

Project Felt; Buku ABC – Part 2

Pergghh..lama betul terbengkalai project Felt aku ni..hahaaha…seperti yang dijangkakan..gerenti la bertahun-tahun gak ni baru nak siap buku felt ABC En. Alif ni… :p

as for now progress nya baru la setakat menggunting semua Felt yang patut..

Huruf-huruf Felt yang dah digunting..

Huruf-huruf Felt yang dah digunting..

Masa amik gambar ni belum habis gunting lagi..tu yg berlobang2 tu.. ๐Ÿ˜€

Actually before gunting the ABCs of Felts ni aku tentukan dulu untuk huruf ni warna ape..huruf ni pulak warna apa..and aku tentukan warna Felt ni depend on warna background Felt for pages tu.

List of Colors for Felt

Senarai warna-warna untuk every alphabets..

Sorry ye dengan tulisan aku yg cam cakar ayam tu..hahaa.. ๐Ÿ˜€ dan pasni aku rasa akan terbengkalai lagi project felt aku ni..sebab aku still belum beli lagi benang warna2 ni..tak tau la bile lagi baru akan di sambung..hahahaa.. :p

Incoming search terms:

  • buku felt (71)
  • buku abc (55)
  • huruf felt (33)
  • gambar huruf abc (14)

boleh tolong bagitau mana nak dapat benda ni tak??

aku nak sangat benda ni..tapi tak tau nak carik kat mana…korang bule tolong bagi tau tak kat mana ade..and berapa ek harganya..??

Pepper mill..

aku pernah jumpe kat giant..tapi plastik jek..and mak aku kata ‘tak payah la beli plastik ni, pakai 2-3 kali dah retak‘ so aku nak carik gak la samada yang kayu ke stainless steel ke..huu…rasa2nya cam mahal..hahaah..tp cam nak jugak..

tolong ek korang.. ๐Ÿ˜€

kenapa aku nak? ntah laa..cam besh..hahaa..lgpon aku mmg suke freshly grind black pepper..lagi rasa dari serbuk.. ๐Ÿ˜€

Incoming search terms:

  • pepper grinder malaysia (25)